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Racing drones are also in Germany more and more known and popular. In America they are already for years fully in the trend. The flight speeds, brute acceleration values and the extreme manoeuvres that are flown have their own special charm.
The model which we would like to present to you today is in the racing sector and is often bought.
The Eachine Wizard X220S FPV drone has many special features that other racing quadrocopters lack. We think it’s especially cool that you can buy this model in the “Ready To Fly” version.
In our opinion, the drone is therefore particularly well suited as an entry-level model. Despite its flight class the aircraft is kept quite small. Eachine has brought a super drone at a reasonable price on the market, which is delivered including FPV function.
What the Eachine Wizart X220S has to offer, which special features you have to pay attention to and which advantages and disadvantages it has, you will find out in this review.
Technical details
The flight behaviour was very positive due to the technical features of this aircraft.
Of course, racing drones usually do not have a stabilisation system, which is unfortunately also the case here. You will need some practice to get the hang of it, but you will be able to fly the most spectacular manoeuvres. Due to the low weight, the ideal dimensions and the ergonomics of the propeller drive, you can reach very high acceleration values and speeds with this model. Therefore, even as a newcomer you will have very good chances in drone racing, if you choose the Eachine Wizard X220S Quadrocopter.
You can order the Eachine Wizard X220S FPV quadrocopter here in the shop!
If you have followed the market of racing drones over the last years, you will have noticed that the models are somehow getting smaller and smaller. This is mainly due to the fact that technology is constantly improving and developing. This means that smaller and smaller parts can be used in the electronics and the dimensions can be reduced.
Meanwhile there are even frames available which measure only 180 mm. The Eachine Wizard X220S FPV quadrocopter, however, has a 220 mm frame.
Remarkable are the three bladed propellers, which provide a more stable flight attitude of the quadrocopter in the air, whereby the model has no loss of speed. When flying, the difference to many classic drones with double propellers is clearly noticeable.
Please note that the additional upper camera, which can be seen on the picture, is not included in the delivery. On the pictures it is the Runcam 3, but you have to buy it separately.
Apart from that there is not much to say about the appearance, the drone looks very compact and makes a high-quality impression on us.
Battery and flight time
The battery is perfect for drone racing. It is a 1500 mAH 4S 14.8V 75C flight battery.
As the name already betrays, it concerns thus 4 very high performance accumulator cells. How long the flight battery will last depends extremely on your flight behaviour. Under full speed it is only a few minutes, but if you fly a little bit more calmly, you can stretch the maximum time you can fly in the air quite a bit.
You can order the Eachine Wizard X220S FPV Quadrocopter here in the shop!
Advantages and disadvantages of the racing drone
- Perfectly assembled and “Ready To Fly”
- Very suitable for beginners
- The drone consists of enormously resistant material and is very light
- Ideal center of gravity for perfect control and flight attitude
- With the Eachine Wizard X220S FPV drone you can perform particularly agile flight maneuvers
- The model reaches very high speeds due to the strong electric motors
- Increased flight stability due to the 3 wing propeller drive
- High quality remote control with long range
- The quadrocopter is ideal for FPV flights
- No voltmeter built in for early landing when the battery is low
- The motor brackets are not as durable – you should replace them early enough and check them regularly
In our opinion, this quadrocopter is definitely worth its money, the price/performance ratio is impressive. There are a few disadvantages, but you can get over them if you keep the advantages and the low costs in mind.
Unfortunately the manual is only available in English, you should keep that in mind, but most of you won’t need a manual and if you do, English is not a hard hurdle for most people.
There is also a slightly weaker version of the Eachine Wizard X220S FPV quadrocopter, with only a 3S instead of 4S battery. In principle the weaker drone is better suited for beginners.
Unfortunately there are no FPV glasses included, but you can easily buy one and use it with the Eachine Wizard X220S drone, we have already tested a few models.
You can order the Eachine Wizard X220S FPV Quadrocopter here in the shop!